Pick and Place Robot: Minor Project Report and PPT

Download Pick and Place Robot Project Report PDF and PPT presentation for Electronics and Communication Engineering. Here is how a pick and place robot can be designed for a workstation where loading and packing of lead batteries are been presented.


Mankind has always strived to give lifelike qualities to its artifacts in an attempt to find substitutes for himself to carry out his orders and also to work in a hostile environment. The popular concept of a robot is of a machine that looks and works like a human being. The industry is moving from the current state of automation to Robotization, to increase productivity and to deliver uniform quality. The industrial robots of today may not look the least bit like human beings although all the research is directed to provide more and more anthropomorphic and humanlike features and super-human capabilities in these. Here is how a pick and place robot can be designed for a workstation where loading and packing of lead batteries are been presented. All the various problems and obstructions for the loading process have been deeply analyzed and been taken into consideration while designing the pick and place robot. 

Pick and Place Robot Project Report

The pick and Place robot is the one that is used to pick up an object and place it in the desired location. The pick and place mechanical arm is a human-controlled based system that detects the object picks that object from the source location and places it at the desired location. For the detection of an object, humans detect the presence of an object and move the machine accordingly. 

The Robotic arm kit is made of two sections. The bottom driving unit takes the robot to left, right, forward, and backward motion. The top gripper unit is to pick and place any object. The driving unit has two motors and also the gripper unit has two motors. The Robot is strong enough to handle a task like a bomb diffusing, transporting, rescue operation, etc. The aim of this project is to design an autonomous robot with a complete system that allows the robot to wonder about its environment and to interact with a certain object that it encounters. In order to achieve the aim of this project, several objectives are needed to be completed.