Education System in India: Past and Present (Image, PDF)

India has been the center of knowledge and education since ancient times. The education system in India was regarded as a source for the knowledge, traditions, and practices that guided and encouraged humanity through the ages. The education system of ancient India has some special features and uniqueness which was not found in any other ancient education system of the other countries. Here we briefly highlighted the education system in India in different periods of history. You can download the illustration as an Image and PDF file.
education system in india

Education System in Ancient India (Vedic Era and Later)

  • The education was mostly imparted in ashrams, gurukuls, temples, houses. Mainly focused on the enrichment of culture, character, and personality, development, and cultivation of noble ideals.
  • The education was totally through orals and debates focused on subjects like warfare, military, politics, religion.
  • Students went to viharas and universities for higher knowledge of fine arts, medicine, mathematics, science, astronomy, politics, and the art of warfare.

Education System in Medieval India

  • The Indian education system continued in the form of ashrams, temples, and indigenous schools. 
  • The ancient education system was drastically changed after the Islamic invasion. During the medieval period, maktabas and madrassas became part of the education system. Religious and Islamic education was given more importance.
  • Education consists of the study of Islam, the study of Arabic literature, grammar, history, philosophy, mathematics, geography, politics, economics, Greek language, and agriculture.

Education System in Pre-Colonial and Colonial India

  • During the pre-colonial period, the education system was mostly the religious and spiritual form of education.
  • After the British invasion, modern education was introduced. The subjects and the syllabus were limited to some extent, the main aim of modern education of the British was to spread Christianity.
  • Later, a number of modern schools, colleges, and universities were opened by Britishers to propagate modern education among Indians. Subjects in the English language started to become popular.

Education System in Modern India

  • Today, Free and compulsory education is provided as a fundamental right  The whole curriculum of a student is divided into three sections primary, secondary, and graduation.
  • The objective of modern education is to inculcate values in students such as equality, secularism, education for all, knowledge of science and technology, and environmental protection, etc.
  • The extensive use of modern technologies in teaching methodologies, better higher education, and scientific research is driving India to become a major Economical Power of the World.
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